【國際商務系徵才】國立臺北商業大學國際商務系114學年第2學期 誠徵國際企業經營、國際經濟貿易、國際財務金融、國際行銷管理領域為主之專任教師(1-3名)
- 職級:助理教授(含)以上
- 領域:國際企業經營、國際經濟貿易、國際財務金融、國際行銷管理領域為主之專任教師(1-3名)
- 申請資格:
- 應徵時已取得國內外大學商學、管理或經貿博士學位,主修國際企業經營、國際經濟貿易、國際財務金融、國際行銷管理領域。
- 具備全英語教授專業課程能力。
- 具備助理教授證尤佳。
- 具研究能力並發表於國內外重要期刊(SCI或SSCI,需為第一作者或通訊作者)。
- 具備申請科技部計畫或產學合作計畫的經驗或潛力。
- 需指導學生參與全國性或國際性競賽。
- 可任教國際企業經營、國際經濟貿易、國際財務金融、國際行銷管理領域等相關課程。
- 依教育部104年1月14日公佈技術及職業教育法第25條規定:「技職校院專業科目或技術科目之教師,應具備一年以上與任教領域相關之業界實務工作經驗。但本法施行(104年1月14日)前已在職之專任合格教師,不在此限。」應聘者需符合此項規定。
- 於今年始取得博士學位,尚無大學任教經驗者,以博士論文及著作發表,和足以證明其研究與教學潛力之相關資料作為主要的遴聘考量。
- 工作項目:
- 起聘日期:確切日期以完成校內相關會議流程及實際進用情形起聘。
- 申請資料:
- 基本資料表(請至人事室網站(https://po.ntub.edu.tw/p/405-1013-36814,c1138.php?Lang=zh-tw)下載「新聘專任教師應徵基本資料表」,繕打列印後連同以下資料一併繳交。)。
- 履歷表:包括自傳、照片、姓名、出生年月日、性別、通訊地址、連絡電話、電子信箱、傳真號碼、現職、重要學經歷、專長領域、教學研究方向(含計畫)、產學及研究著作目錄等。除檢附紙本外並同時至報名網頁填具申請資料。
- 身份證影本、教師證書影本、大學、碩士和博士歷年成績單(需已驗證)和學歷證件影本(如為國外學歷,須經駐外單位完成驗證),並依規定繳交實務經歷證明文件影本(一年以上,且註明起迄日期)。
- 著作一式1份,包含最近五年內已發表或出版之相關著作(請加註作者序和期刊等級,例如:SSCI、SCI等),以及博士論文。
- 具英文授課能力,請提供相關佐證資料或說明。
- 擬開相關專業科目課程至少兩門之教學大綱。
- 推薦信兩封。
- 其它有利審查文件。
- 申請截止日期:即日起至114年08月29日(郵戳為憑)送達國際商務系。
- 郵寄地址:臺北市100中正區濟南路一段321號國立臺北商業大學國際商務系收(信封請務必註明【應徵國際商務系專任教師】及白天連絡電話)。
- 洽詢人:莊助教,電話(02)2322-6391,電子信箱:777working@ntub.edu.tw。
- 經初審合格者擇優通知面談及試教,不合者恕不退件及函復。相關事宜悉依本校「教師聘任辦法」和本校相關規定辦理之。
Tenure-Track Professor Department of International Business
National Taipei University of Business
Job Title: Tenure-track professor in "International Business", "International Economic & Trade" , "International Finance", "International Marketing" (Assistant Professor or above).
Department/College: Department of International Business, NTUB
Posted/End of Date: As shown in the ad /29 August 2024
Qualifications: Ph.D. with specialization in information "International Business", "International Economic & Trade" , "International Finance", "International Marketing" We are seeking candidates who have strong research potential (as principal investigators in MOST research projects) and have published in international peer-reviewed journals (SCI or SSCI papers published as the first or corresponding authors). Candidates should demonstrate the ability for supervising students in intercollegiate competitions, as well as the potential for or experience in industry-academia collaboration. For recently-graduated Ph.D. applicants without prior teaching experience, the review of qualifications will focus mainly on doctoral dissertations, relevant publications, and documents that can showcase candidates’ potential for research and teaching. According to the January 2015 Technical and Vocational Education Act, candidates applying for vocational-track faculty positions should have at least one year of field experience in business. However, for those candidates whose teaching credentials were obtained before January 2015, this requirement does not apply.
Job Responsibilities: National Taipei University of Business emphasizes teaching, research, and service. Candidates must have a commitment to teaching and research which leads to quality refereed publications. Service to the department or university is expected as well.
Expected Starting Date of Employment: The deadline is based on the completion of relevant meeting procedures and actual conditions within the school.
The application materials include:
■ The NTUB application form which can be downloaded from the website:
■ CV, including autobiography, photo, name, date of birth, gender, corresponding address, contact information, work experience, educational background, expertise, direction and plans for research and teaching, industry-academia cooperation projects, list of publications with bibliographical references, etc. In addition to the submitted documents, a sign-up sheet should be filled out online
URL address:
■ A photocopy of identification cards (including ARC, APRC, or passport), teaching certificates, official copies of transcripts, and diplomas displaying academic degrees and proof of work experience (any foreign degrees or diplomas should be verified in advance by the overseas or local offices of the Republic of China, Taiwan).
■ 1 copies of publications that include doctoral dissertation and academic works published within five years (SSCI, SCI indexes should be indicated)
■ Credentials or portfolios that prove the ability to teach subject areas in English
■ Syllabuses for the courses that applicants plan to offer
■ Two letters of recommendation
Deadline and Submission
The application materials should be mailed as hard copies to the Department of International Business, National Taipei University of Business, 100 No.321, Sec. 1, Jinan Rd., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 100, Taiwan (a written note specified the category, tenure or non-tenure track, for this application and contact phone number should be provided on the envelope). The application packet should be postmarked no later than 29 August 2024.
Further Information
For further information regarding this application, please contact Mr. Chuang at: 777working@ntub.edu.tw or refer to the website at https://ib.ntub.edu.tw/?Lang=en